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简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐Mini-PROTEAN小型垂直电泳槽1658001 165-8001,Mini-PROTEAN Tetra电泳槽,功能多样使用简便的 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 电泳槽是进行小型垂直电泳的理想选择。电泳槽可容纳 1-4 块手灌胶或预制胶,您可以根据科研的需要灵活选Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 电泳槽省去了冗长的组装程序,具有很好的封盖装置*,可防止止错误组装。

  • 产品型号:1658001 165-8001
  • 厂商性质:代理商
  • 更新时间:2024-04-18
  • 访  问  量:4035



Bio-Rad伯乐Mini-PROTEAN小型垂直电泳槽1658001 165-8001

Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell电泳槽,功能多样使用简便的 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 电泳槽是进行小型垂直电泳的理想选择。电泳槽可容纳 1-4 块手灌胶或预制胶,您可以根据科研的需要灵活选Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 电泳槽省去了冗长的组装程序,具有很好的封盖装置*,可防止止错误组装。

1、很好的上样向导** ,防止泳道遗漏上样或重复上样

2、使用 2 个电泳???/span>,电泳槽可同时进行 4 块凝胶电泳 10 x 8.3 cm

3、可互换的??榭山?/span> Mini-PROTEAN Tetra 电泳槽转换为可 进行 Western 转印的 Mini Trans-Blot® 转印槽

4、封边垫条牢固地固定在长玻板上,保证玻板精确对齐, 防止漏胶

5、带有简单凸轮的制胶框*** 确保在任何水平面上精确对齐

6、平行排列的灌胶架*** 能同时灌制两块凝胶,弹簧杠杆 设计使得软橡胶衬垫产生良好的密封性

7、特殊的塑料加样梳*** 不会抑制凝胶聚合反应,制胶过程 ,内置的脊可使凝胶避免与空气接触,保证均一的凝 胶聚合




1658001/165-8001:小型垂直电泳槽 10-well, 1.0 mm thickness; 4-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658000/165-8000:小型垂直电泳槽, 10-well, 0.75 mm thickness; 4-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658002/165-8002:小型垂直电泳槽, 10-well, 0.75 mm thickness; 2-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), casting stand, 2 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658003/165-8003:小型垂直电泳槽, 10-well, 1.0 mm thickness; 2-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), casting stand, 2 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658004/165-8004:小型垂直电泳槽for Mini Precast Gels, 4-gel system includes electrode assembly,  companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658005/165-8005:小型垂直电泳槽 for Mini Precast Gels, 2-gel system includes electrode assembly,  tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658006/165-8006:小型垂直电泳槽 10-well, 1.5 mm thickness; 4-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), 2 casting stands, 4 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, companion running module, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658006/165-8007:小型垂直电泳槽, 10-well, 1.5 mm thickness; 2-gel system includes 5 combs, 1 set of glass  plates (5 short plates and 5 spacer plates), casting stand, 2 casting frames, sample loading guide,  electrode assembly, tank, lid with power cables, mini cell buffer dam

1658025/165-8025:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and PowerPac Basic Power Supply, includes #165-8001 and #164-5050

1658026/165-8026:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and PowerPac Universal Power Supply, includes #165-8001 and #164-5070

1658027/165-8027:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply, includes #165-8001 and #164-5052

1658028/165-8028:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and PowerPac HV Power Supply, includes #165-8001 and #164-5056

1658029/165-8029:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and Mini Trans-Blot Module, includes #165-8001 and #170-3935

1658030/165-8030:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell for Mini Precast Gels and Mini Trans-Blot Module, includes #165-8004 and #170-3935

1658033/165-8033:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and PowerPac Basic Power Supply,  includes #165-8001, #170-3935, and #164-5050

1658034/165-8034:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell for Mini Precast Gels, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and PowerPac Basic Power Supply, includes #165-8004, #170-3935, and #164-5050

1658035/165-8035:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and PowerPac HC Power Supply,  includes #165-8001, #170-3935, and #164-5052

1658036/165-8036:小型垂直电泳槽系统Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell for Mini Precast Gels, Mini Trans-Blot Module, and PowerPac HC Power Supply, includes #165-8004, #170-3935, and #164-5052

Bio-Rad伯乐Mini-PROTEAN小型垂直电泳槽1658001 165-8001



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