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Emfab过滤膜TX40HI20WW 7222现货供应

更新时间:2016-04-20      点击次数:2548


Emfab™ Filters

  • Withstands folding for weighing and transport.
  • Every filter flushed with DI water to remove water-soluble residue.
  • Low air resistance for use in critical aerosol sampling tests such as diesel exhaust.


DescriptionTissuquartz FiltersEmfab Filters*Fiberfilm Filters
Filter MediaPure quartz, no binderBorosilicate glass microfibers reinforced with woven glass cloth and bonded with PTFEHeat resistant borosilicate glass fiber coated with fluorocarbon (TFE)
Diameter25 - 142 mm and 8 x 10 in.12 - 142 mm and 8 x 10 in.25 - 100 mm and 8 x 10 in.
Typical Thickness432 µm (17 mils)178 µm (7 mils)203 µm (8 mils)
Typical Filter Weight5.8 mg/cm25.0 mg/cm23.4 mg/cm2
Typical Water Flow Rate
0.35 bar (35 kPa, 5 psi)
220 mL/min/cm232 mL/min/cm2220 mL/min/cm2
Typical Air Flow Rate
0.7 bar (70 kPa, 10 psi)
73 L/min/cm268 L/min/cm2180 L/min/cm2
Maximum Operating Temperature - Air1093 ºC
(2000 ºF)
260 ºC
(500 ºF)
315.5 ºC
(600 ºF)
Typical Aerosol Retention**99.90%99.95%96.40%
pH in Boiled Water Extract6.5 - 7.5--

* The TX40HI45 and TX40HI75 are made from the same materials but were developed in conjunction with the U.S. EPA (Method 26) when a need arose to sample the exhaust gases from the stacks at incinerator facilities. These two grades are made with higher levels of the PTFE binder resin than the TX40HI20WW to withstand the corrosive atmosphere. The TX40HI75 has a higher level of binder than the TX40HI45 and both have a higher level than the TX40HI20WW.


7258TX40HI20WW, 12 mm100/pkg
7219TX40HI20WW, 25 mm100/pkg
7217TX40HI20WW, 37 mm100/pkg
7256TX40HI20WW, 41 mm100/pkg
7220TX40HI20WW, 44 mm100/pkg
7221TX40HI20WW, 47 mm100/pkg
7222TX40HI20WW, 70 mm100/pkg
7218TX40HI20WW, 81 mm100/pkg
7234TX40HI20WW, 85 mm100/pkg
7223TX40HI20WW, 90 mm100/pkg
7225TX40HI20WW, 110 mm100/pkg
7252TX40HI20WW, 142 mm100/pkg
7224TX40HI20WW, 8 x 10 in.100/pkg
7259TX40HI45, 25 mm100/pkg
7262TX40HI45, 47 mm100/pkg
7253TX40HI45, 82.6 mm100/pkg
7260TX40HI45, 83 mm100/pkg
7254TX40HI45, 110 mm100/pkg
7263TX40HI75, 25 mm100/pkg
7264TX40HI75, 47 mm100/pkg
7265TX40HI75, 82.6 mm100/pkg
7266TX40HI75, 110 mm100/pkg
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